Resumed Arris X-Speed 250 Racer Build – A.K.A. Speedy Quadzales

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Monday, August 3rd, 2015
Categories: Build LogMultirotor Aircraft

My schedule has not been conducive to building new copters lately. I’ve been in the midst of mega rebuild of the 680 Alien quadcopter and associated gimbal setup. The second I got that working to my satisfaction is the second I moved my build energy to the Arris X-Speed 250 quadcopter racer.

It’s a good thing I put off this build, because during the time I took a break from it, they created a build manual! Needless to say, my guesses were completely wrong, so I had to basically rip it all apart and rebuild, and rewire.
The current build state is 3/4 of the frame is assembled. Also, the motors and ESC’s are installed and soldered to the included power/signal distribution board.

Stay tuned for further progress, and future crash videos.

Arris X-Speed 250 Racing Quadcopter Unboxing

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Tuesday, May 26th, 2015
Categories: Build LogMultirotor AircraftVideo

I’ve now started a new build, the new Arris X-Speed 250 racing quadcopter which was kindly provided for review here by  The basic frame is put together as seen below.

Arris X-Speed 250 Quadcopter

Arris X-Speed 250 Quadcopter Frame

I shot a five minute video of the unboxing and examination of the parts for the basic unassembled kit below.

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