First Flight – Skydio 2 Drone

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Saturday, January 16th, 2021
Categories: Aerial ImageryMultirotor AircraftPhotography

I’ve been waiting for technology like this for a long time. Finally I have a craft that can follow me on my skiing, biking, hiking and whatever-ing adventures, and capture 4K video. Say hello to the Skydio 2.

Skydio 2 is not quite like other drones from DJI, Autel, Parrot, or Yuneeq. This drone is specifically build as a follow-me drone for action sports. Though a hand controller with sticks is available, most who use it for chase videos use the Skydio 2 app for their mobile device, or even better, the “beacon.”

Skydio 2 and accessories

In the photo above you can see the Skydio 2, the controller, the beacon (left of center), a couple of batteries, the dual battery charger, SD card, some extra propellers, and the semi-hard case the drone comes with. My setup is the sports package.
With the beacon the user can control the drone easily and the drone will follow the beacon while simultaneously avoiding obstacles. Check out my first test video:

Now imagine mountain biking, skiing, boating… This is going to be fun. I do understand the drone can’t perfectly avoid everything. If there are bare tree branches or power lines or any thin obstacles like that the craft may hit them. So I’ll have to fly accordingly.

Flew the New Cinesplore Today

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Sunday, November 15th, 2020
Categories: Build LogDrones For GoodEquipmentFPVMultirotor Aircraft

Flew the Cinesplore cinewhoop outside for the first time today. Sure flies different than a 5″ freestyle quad. It was “listing” to one side. Probably need to recalibrate the gyro.

Cinesplore Cinewhoop

Also didn’t have any BF OSD stuff working in the DJI goggles. Need to check the BF setup. The video from the GoPro looked good, way better than the goggles. The antenna is way too short. Barely above the battery. It reduces the range. Need the longer antenna to get it higher above the battery.

Starting up my first Cinewhoop build

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Wednesday, November 4th, 2020
Categories: Aerial ImageryBuild LogDrones For GoodEquipmentFPVMultirotor Aircraft

I’m jumping on the cinewhoop bandwagon in hopes of capturing some nice, slower motion, cinematic GoPro video. After a lot of research I chose the Cinesplore frame. Below are some pictures of the frame. I’m waiting for parts to come in to continue the build.

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