Zip-Tie Antenna Mounting Trick

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Friday, August 28th, 2015
Categories: Build LogMultirotor Aircraft

I can’t remember where I first saw this trick, but boy is it great for especially the smaller copters.  I mucked around with this small racing quad for a long time trying to figure out how to mount the receiver antennae.

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I bought some rigid plastic antenna sticks at a local hobby shop and promptly crashed with them, ripping one antenna off the receiver.  Then it was a case of “hello China” and waiting for parts….

Now that the replacement antenna wire came in I couldn’t wait to try the zip-tie trick.  You can simply attach a zip-tie or cable-tie to your drone in such a way that the excess plastic is sticking up.  Put the antenna wire next to it and run a piece or two of cable shrink (see red parts in photo) and you’re good to go. The cool thing is if the antennae are bumped or the quad in this photo lands on its top (which happens quite often), the ties and wires are flexible and don’t snap off.

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